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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Ephesus (pictures)

Basilica of St John ( San Juan )

Our latest Addiction -Baklava ( Diabetes Inducing)

Church of Mary
The First Church dedicated to the Virgin Mary - We will explain - So the year AD 431 in the Roman city of Ephesus, a group of important men gather to discus politics and general running of the cıty. While the usual agenda included taxes, roads and buildings, AD 431 meeting was to discuss the simple notion İs Jesus the son of God and İs Mary the mother of God?

After much discussion ( İm sure) and after banishing the only member who said NO, the meeting concluded that yes, Mary and Jesus were for real, and so the city of Ephesus ( Where St John and Mary lıved after Jesus death) has the very first Church for the virgin Mary YAY! 

Temple of Arthemis

Can you name the 7 ancient wonders of the world? How many are left?

Well - we stumbled upon this - the temple of Arthemis ( the remains ) an enormous temple said to have been the most wonderous of all the wonders ( just lıke every student is the teachers favourite right?)


  1. Nice pictures and most incredible " just a few people".

    Be careful with the Baklava.



  2. Pero que fotos tan MOLONAS!!!
    que sepáis que leo todos los post que hacéis pero desde mi iphone no veo las fotos y no es tan guay como verlo aquí. Se os ve super-guapos pero con un poco de roña.
    besos tened cuidado con los dulces, sobre todo tu Cris.
    Te quiero bonita.

  3. De rona nada!! Con la misma ropa pero relucientes y limpitos!!

  4. Usted dos es asombroso. Soy emocionado que usted está viniendo aquí pronto. Tengo gusto de sus fotografías.

  5. ¿Dónde está el bigote? ¡Hágalo grande!
